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Monday, March 28, 2016

#PBNYC: PB Vote Week Kicks Off at Grand Army Plaza

Voters at the Grand Army Plaza PBNYC
mobile voting site were excited to receive
a PBNYC ballot for their district. 
     Starting with the kickoff PB event at Grand Army Plaza this past Saturday, PBNYC Vote Week has been officially launched into action! Now, district constituents from across NYC can participate in their local PBNYC processes and support the projects they want to see implemented in their neighborhoods. Voting will continue at several different locations within each participating district until April 3rd, so if you haven't already, be sure to cast your PBNYC vote!
     District 39's first PBNYC mobile voting poll at Grand Army Plaza was filled with enthusiasm from both volunteers and voters. First, voters went to register at the registration table. After checking which district they were in, voters proceeded to fill out their ballots, a capital one and if they were from District 39, an expense one. In order to vote in PBNYC, voters must be 14 years of age or older and live in a district participating in the PBNYC process.
    Volunteers at Grand Army Plaza had a lot of fun informing voters about the process and discussing PBNYC with experienced participants. Many of the people voting have voted in the last few cycles, while other voters were new to the process and noticed the voting booths at the farmer's market, deciding to get involved then.
     While working as a volunteer was incredibly rewarding, it was also hard work. The PBNYC volunteers ran the registration and voting tables, looked up addresses of voters to check which districts they lived in, and continued to promote PBNYC to potential voters. These mobile poll sites offers a great opportunity for more people who haven't previously heard of PBNYC to become involved in the process and share their voice in what they want to see improved in their neighborhoods.
     This year's #pbnyc social media campaign also gathered a lot of buzz at the poll site. Voters took pictures with a #pbnyc Instagram post cut-out board to share why they participated in the process over Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Anyone can spread the word about PBNYC online. So make sure to #pbnyc, tell people you know about the process, and stay updated on the latest. And if you're interested in learning more about the projects, the PBNYC Project Expo in District 39 tomorrow will be a great change to not only vote, but to connect with the PBNYC project creators!

Voters first went to a registration
table before proceeding to fill
out a PBNYC ballot. 
Volunteers used an online system to verify
voters' addresses and registration. 

Council Member Lander encouraged PBNYC voters to take
a picture with the #pbnyc Instagram cut-out. 

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